174th Assault Helicopter Company Association 2025 Reunion
APR 24 -APR 26, 2025 (PLUS APR 22 AND 23 IF DESIRED)
If anyone should have a question regarding our reunion, please call me, Dwight Wise or Dean Lind and get it resolved. Both Dwight and Dean have ties to Branson and should be able to resolve any questions. I will have one or both of them available during check-in.
The reunion is scheduled for three days, Thursday through Saturday, April 22nd through 26th, with our usual non-denominational service on Sunday morning at 9:00AM, April 27th, but you can reserve Tuesday and Wednesday Apr 22nd and 23rd to attend a couple of shows if desired.
Apr 22nd - Arrival and plan for shows
Apr 23rd - Plan for shows and attend
Apr 24th - Attend shows
Apr 25th - Ladies luncheon 12PM- 2PM
Business Meeting 2PM
Auction after Business Meeting.
Apr 26th - Banquet at 5:30PM
Apr 27th - Sunday Service at 9AM
PLEASE REMEMBER YOUR AUCTION ITEMS. Last year we did pretty well so let's try it again.
Click on this LINK to get the Registration Form. Please complete and return them by March 1st, 2025.
Hello 174th Brothers. Dean Lind here-67-68, your present Association Secretary/Treasurer.
Looking forward to the upcoming 174th reunion in Branson April 24-27. Some members have asked for some information of what to expect related to traveling to Branson, the accommodations, food, entertainment and other information. Since my wife and I have been Branson several times, I will offer my 2 cents worth.
Some may wonder “Why Branson?”. My family have a special fondness for Branson. It has a very “God and Country” atmosphere. Being we are from a very woke Minnesota, for us that is a welcomed change. If you choose to attend a show, you will be appreciated as a veteran and will not experience anything vulgar. If you are looking for that, go to Las Vegas. Branson is more centrally located so there is a hope that some members and their family may attend who couldn't make it to Florida. Also, the prices are somewhat more reasonable than at The Island. After so many years and the “homecoming” to the Best Western, The Island just didn't have the same feel we had. The Clarion is larger than what was the Best Western, but smaller than The Island and we will be grouped into one block of rooms. We will have our own meeting room plus there are 2 pool areas, one inside and one outside that should be great places to gather and hang out together. The rooms seem to be more comfortable than we have had at either place. The owner is a young man who purchased the property a few years ago and has been renovating while living at the motel. Dale and I have been following his progress for nearly 2 years and have seen much progress. While there is lots of entertainment in the area, continental breakfast is included and the on site restaurant has recently been reopened so if you just want to hang out with your brothers you would not have to leave the facility.
Getting there: If you are flying to the reunion, you would fly into Springfield, about 40 miles north of Branson. There is an airport just outside of Branson, but not much service there.
Attractions: If you are interested in checking out some of the entertainment, here are some of the things we have experienced and you may enjoy.
Sight and Sound Theater. This is the second of Sight and Sound Theaters that originated in PA. It is a 2000+ seat theater with a 300 foot wrap around stage that features biblical stories and has amazing sets and features live animals coming up the aisles and across the stage. This years show is the story of David.
Titanic. There is a very good Titanic exhibition. It includes history of the sinking and the sunken discovery and includes artifacts from the ship.
Silver Dollar City. This is an Amusement Park, but that doesn't really do it justice. As you enter the area, which you will be transported to from your parking area, you first come to the entrance to a large cave. After that you will spend hours walking the grounds and taking in a great number of arts and crafts demonstrations. You will also be entertained by roving musical groups. It is a full day experience. Like much of the Ozarks, there is no flat ground so you will be walking up and down lots of hills.
Showboat Branson Belle. If you like you can take a dinner cruise and show on Lake Table Rock.
Dolly Parton's Stampede Dinner. A dinner show with horses.
The Ducks. This is a new attraction. These are amphibious vehicles like those used in WW2. We were on the old Branson Ducks a number of years ago. Shortly after we were on them, they had a very tragic accident. A strong thunderstorm came up. To protect the passengers they closed the side curtains. The vehicle sank and a number of the passengers drowned. That business went bankrupt. Within just the past year or two a new Duck attraction has opened. We enjoyed the last one and assume this will also be an enjoyable time.
Shows: For most of the shows and some of the attractions, you can get 2for1 tickets at two locations without attending a timeshare presentation. You can find the Purple 2for1 schedule of shows on line for the time we are there. Again, a number of places mention 2for1 tickets, but come with a 90 minute sales pitch that turns into a 2 hour hard sale. The 2for1 Purple buildings are legit. Also, without exception there are no bad shows in Branson. The competition is strong and they have to be good to keep the customers coming.
Haygoods. They say they are the hottest show in Branson and probably true. Made up of family members and a very high energy entertaining show. Sells out.
Duttons. Another family show with 3 generations of entertainers. We love them.
Hughes Brothers. Another very good family show.
Preselys. One of the oldest shows in Branson. Another family show.
Baldknobbers. I think this is the first Branson show.
Smoke on the Mountain. We just discovered this. It is a sort of musical play in a very small auditorium that only seats 120. It depicts a church service. Very funny and very good music. You are the congregation.
George Dyer. If you want something 'upscale' this is it. He and his group do Broadway and Musical selections from shows like “The Phantom of the Opera”. Very good.
Down Home Country. This is as the Grand Country Music Hall. They sing more traditional country music. But the reason we try to visit the show is the comedian. Jarrett Dougherty. You will have tears in your eyes.
Out of Town. There are times we travel to Branson and don't go to a show.
College of the Osarks. Just outside of Branson. Also called Hard Work U. No tuition. It is a working Dairy farm, a gourmet restaurant, a plant sale greenhouse, a flour mill, a jam, jelly, homemade ice cream, stained glass shop and museum location that is run by working students. Great place to spend a few hours eating, visiting the shops and the two museums. One museum has several restored tractors. The Ralph Foster museum is in the back side of the campus and has the Beverly Hillbillies truck, several large collections of rifles and pistols and memorable from the early country music broadcast show from the 50's and 60's I think out of Springfield and several other collections.
Bass Pro Shop. Springfield has a humungous Bass Pro Shop. It is amazing. A few years ago they also added large Aquarium and Wildlife Museums.
Dogwood Canyon. Top of the Rock. Developments of Johnny Morris. And nothing he develops could be called anything but top notch. Two very special places you can visit out in the country. Top of the Rock is fairly close, Dogwood Canyon is 30-45 minutes out.
Wilson Creek Battlefield. One of the first Civil War battlefields. Near Springfield. Very interesting and very well done.
Eureka Springs. A little over 1 hour away. A very quaint historical town.
Ponca Arkansas. A little over 1 hour away. Some very interesting parks and hiking trails in the area. In the Buffalo National River area. There is an information building in Ponca that tells you were to look for some of the 6-800 wild elk that live in the area.
Old Town/Branson Landing. Downtown Branson is Old Town and just past Old Town is Branson Landing, a new, modern area built up along the river. You might like to visit Dicks 5and10. It has everything you don't need. There is also the Farmhouse restaurant and a number of collector shops there. Just past Old Town across the RR tracks is Branson Landing. All the new stuff. One of the neat things to visit in the evening is the water/light/music show there. I think (but don't quote me) it starts at 7.
Eating. There is the restaurant in the motel. I also mentioned the College of the Ozarks and the Farmhouse restaurant. The only other one I will mention is Billy Gails on 265. There is another Billy Gails closer, but the one on 265 has the atmosphere. I'm sure they both have great food including dinner plate pancakes. In the Springfield area is Lampert's Café. They are known for 'Thrown rolls'. Fresh from the oven and extra helpings of fried okra, beans and potatoes. You won't go hungry. And restaurants and shows to numerous to mention.
That is just a little about Branson. Get online and check things out. Downside-hilly for walking and no beach.
174th Assault Helicopter Company Association 2024 Reunion
The 2024 Reunion was held at Fort Walton Beach, Florida from May 3 to May 5, 2024, with 26 members and 30 guests attending. See the After Action Report here.

The 174th AHC Association is excited to announce your opportunity to own this wonderful Joe Kline, "limited edition" 20" X 28", signed/numbered print, entitled, "NOTHING IMPOSSIBLE." The prints were produced from the original painting, commissioned specifically by the 174th AHC Association to remember and honor those individuals who served the 174th Assault Helicopter Company.
To purchase this print, click HERE to order a copy from the Company Store.
Butch Elliott's 2015 Return to Vietnam
Click HERE to see the PDF slideshow Butch put together of his (and other 174th vets) return trip to Vietnam, which includes a return to many of the areas of operations of the 174th. Also included after Butch's slideshow is an account of (KIA) Robert Hazen's wife, Judy's, 2008 trip to Robert's crash site, to honor him as well as their daughter Marcie. Both are well worth the time.
Welcome to the 174th AHC
The 174th Assault Helicopter Company formed at Ft. Benning, GA in 1965. It deployed to Vietnam by U.S. Navy ships in 1966. Our three homes in Vietnam were Lane Army Heliport near Qui Nhon (1966; II-Corps), Duc Pho in Quang Ngai Province (1967-1970; I-Corps), and Chu Lai, basecamp for the Americal Division (1971; also I-Corps).
The 174th flew various models of the UH-1 "Huey" helicopter. We served long and proud in Vietnam and saw much combat action in the rice paddies and mountains in the northern half of South Vietnam from 1966 until 1971, and in Laos during Operation Lam Son 719 in 1971. We have here pictures, stories, and information about the 174th's experiences. This site is dedicated to those Dolphins and Sharks, both pilots and enlisted crewmembers -- brave men all -- who did not return.
News and Announcements
- New 174th Guestbook
- The 174th's guestbook provider, that we've been using over a decade, went out of business suddenly and folded on April 1, 2012 (yep, April Fools Day), taking all our old guestbook entries with them. A new one has been added to the site, starting anew.
- 174th Website's New Look
- You'll note the website has a new look. The front page has undergone a facelift, and with time many sub-pages will also be converted to the new format. Note all major "Contents" items are now contained on the left Navigation Bar. Hover over each bar to display a "flyout" for any subpages each may contain.
- Join the 174th AHC Listserv
- Our email Listserv has about 350 former members on it now. It is a low-volume (low bandwidth) list to reconnect friends, share information from "back in the day," coordinate information like reunions, and answer questions about other former members and events. To join, contact the webmaster.

"Sharks on standby at the Gia Vuc Special Forces Camp. Gunships Shark #161 'Surfer' and #140 'Hooded Cobra'. We actually had a heavy fire team of three gunships heading back for fuel after a combat assault, when we happened upon a group of 'un-uniformed' regulars. We opened up on them as they scrambled for their weapons. No enemy survived. As close to 'face to face' with the enemy I saw and participated in. L-R: Jarvis Gambrill, Sgt. Ronald Grothe, Budd Vann, Bob Millius (tall guy, with dark hair), John Moore, Gary Harter (seated) and Lt. Bob Hackett's back"- Fred Thompson (Photo by Fred Thompson)

Crew chiefs and mechanics, the backbone of any helicopter unit. (Photo by Fred Thompson)

A combat assault (CA), taken on short-final to the landing zone (LZ), with infantry troops jumping from a UH-1 "Huey." This photo was taken in the Americal area of operations between Duc Pho and Chu Lai. The lead helicopter has just taken off; chalk-2 is unloading (note the right skid hasn't even touched down yet and one troop's already out of the helicopter and has reached the rice paddy dike); chalk-3 is on short-final just before touching down; and the rest of the flight is barreling down on Chalk-3 from the rear. Chalk-2 will probably be on the ground for less than five seconds. (Photo by Jim "Chalk-3" McDaniel)