The first five of the photo pages below were sent to me (your Webmaster) by Larry Martin in July 1998. Accompanying the photos was this hand-written note:
We really missed you at the Ft. Worth (VHPA) reunion. Over 1,150 old dudes were a record attendance.
We had a ball!
I am sending you some pictures I had reproduced from slides. The picture of the pilots standing behind the "Misfits" tent includes Bill Murphy, who now lives in Denton, TX. When we registered at the hotel, he was helping with the process. I told him I would send him a copy of the picture, as well as ask you to put it on the Website.
Hope to see you in Nashville next year (for the 1999 VHPA reunion) with your wife. My wife, Carole, is a little jealous, as I have talked to your wife on the phone a couple of times and Carole has never met her. (Kidding of course.)
Larry Martin
(Webmaster note: I'll provide additional captions to each photo below the photo. I've also added two photos of my own (page six), to Larry's collection, of Larry playing his guitar in the Misfits tent--something we did on those boring days when we weren't flying. --Jim)
Whatta Crew!
A Bent Shark
Martin and Machina
The 130-pound Weakling
We Try Harder!
Martin, McDaniel, and Main